Putting together this exhibit reminds a person about how important economics remains in understanding the history of one's community. What kinds of businesses existed in Bangor and area over time? How have Bangor's businesses changed the community? As you view these images, you might notice how important the early businesses like the Bosshard Feed Mill and the Bangor Woolen Mills on lower Dutch Creek were to the development of Bangor's economy along with the Hussa Brewery and the Union Hotel. The arrival of the railroad in 1858 would bring great business opportunities to Bangor and the surrounding farm community. Sending hogs and catttle to market from Bangor's stock yards was but one of several business activities connected to the railroad. The two rail depots in Bangor and the rail depot in Rockland are gone, but the trains stilll remain a part of the daily activity in these two villages. Of all the early business structures mentioned here, only the Union Hotel, constructed in 1889, still stands. The memories are still vivid for some of us. Hedwig Brashler scooping ice cream at Dud's Cafe. Lora Diesberg weighing candy on the scale at the dime store. Walley Mashak serving beer at Sportsman's Bar. Fritz Swerman cutting hair at the barber shop. Eunice Schaller serving kids cherry coke at the drug store. Carl Wehrs selling trucks at Wehr's Chevy. Herb Burbach pumping gas at the Mobile Station. Cliff and Elaine Fossum conducting a funeral. Art Hutchinson sellng meat at the meat market. George Kapanke talking with customers at the grocery store. Milwaukee Road rail cars filling up with grain from Curran Elevator. Postmaster Ed Ikert distributing mail for citizens in Rockland. George Wuensch selling milk and eggs at the Middle Ridge grocery store. Red Cavadini cleaning a car windshield while a customer refuels at the Mobil gas station in Middle Ridge. Joe Kabat and son Ken pouring shots of whiskey at Kabat's Bar. Cecil Wolf chewing the fat with Louie Merlo at Wegner's Sales and Service during an oil change. The memories abound the further back in history we go into Bangor and area economy. Exhibit posted February 7, 2015.