One of the ways of looking at the history of Bangor and the ways people interacted with each other socially is through social clubs, organizations and places of work. Recently, the family of Jerry Doschadis (Bangor HS Class of 1959) donated to the historical society a collection of photographs documenting some of these Bangor institutions from the early 1950's. Jerry's parents, Harold and Alice Doschadis, worked for the Bangor Telephone Company. Viewers will see images of Jerry's birthday parties, cub scout troop, playmates, results of a deer hunt, and the women's bowling team to which Alice belonged from 1952-1955. Rare pictures of the telephone operaters and phone utility crew are also part of this Bangor landscape at a time long before the dawn of cell phones. This was also a time when Bangor citizens brought their lawn chairs up town to see free movies on the street on Wednesday and Saturday nights. The Bangor and Area Historical Society extends a special thanks to Rick Luther from Madison, nephew of Jerry Doschadis, for these images. Jerry presently resides in Las Vegas. Without Rick's dligence and generosity, this collection would have passed unnoticed into history. Readers should note that the original ink handwriting on the photos is that of Alice Doschadis. This exhibit posted July 16, 2014.